The experienced team of shipping experts at AAC offers income pool management for the maritime industry. This structure serves as a financial and operational strategy to optimize the revenues by pooling together vessels from different owners or operators.

The Pool members contribute their vessels to the pool, and in return, share the revenue generated evenly.  By pooling vessels, operators can achieve economies of scale and operational efficiency whilst spreading the operational and market risks across multiple vessels. This can help buffer the impact of market fluctuations, such as changes in freight rates or unexpected operational challenges or technical downtime due to maintenance schedules.

The commercial management will be handled by AAC as the  pool manager. This includes negotiating charter agreements, optimizing vessel deployment, and seeking the best market opportunities.  Furthermore financial aspects, such as cash flow management, will also be handled under the pool management. This involves collecting revenues, settling expenses, and distributing profits among the pool members as well as all issuance of regular reports and financial statements giving full transparency to the pool members